As we delve into the ramifications of the Falkland War, the obvious cracks in the arguments of
HICJ delegates are beginning to peek through. One committee session into the agenda, and
the delegates' performance highlights what a TRAIN WRECK this committee has been so far.
To start it off simply, The delegates can't even get simple procedures right. Mixing up POIS with factual inaccuracies, contradicting points, muttering and stuttering, and using right to reply’s when your country wasn’t even mentioned!?!? The list could honestly go on forever.
When a delegate raised a motion for a moderated caucus and was asked for a speaker time, he casually replied “anything is fine”. This clearly displays an utter lack of interest, cluelessness, and incompetency, especially in the delegates of a supposed “intermediate” committee.
The biggest joke of them all were truly the delegates of Iraq and Russia. These two had THE
AUDACITY to tell the other delegates to “wake up and start proposing solutions” as if they
hadn’t wasted the whole committee session reiterating the SAME point of why Argentina should sovereign the Falkland Islands.
Hopefully, these delegates can wake up and get their acts together in future committee
sessions. Navamithra MS
South China Morning Post
Ermmm 🤔☝️