When the Republic of Congo of the United Nations Human Rights Council was pulled aside for a quick interview, his nervous walk, talk and stammering nature foreshadowed what would be a shaky and revealing interview. After confidently asserting that he had come up with solutions to curb violence in other nations, the delegate was immediately questioned about his plans to tackle the same issues within his own country. His response left us bewildered: he claimed that the United States would handle it for them. If this delegate is not able to solve his country’s problems, what use would he be in the committee? He might just be here to pass the time and to eat food.
When pressed further to justify the ongoing violence and human trafficking in his homeland, the delegate's confidence crumbled. He mumbled a few incoherent words before resorting to a terse "no comment." Perhaps he would like the Delegate of the US to answer this for him too.
Al Jazeera
Elvin Thomas