The RCA committee session was uneventful and plain boring, just delegates constantly arguing
back and forth. The Vice-President of Red Cross-Gilles- wants to spread awareness, through
trusted sources, to which USG management brings up a valid point, local sources are corrupt
and untrustworthy, which means misinformation can be spread.
The local Health Worker wants to impose hefty fines if they go out of their home in lockdown,
but can't the people use the fines for themselves, to buy other resources that they might need?
The Regional Director of Africa uses personal pronouns despite knowing that he has to speak in the third person. He gives us a wonderful definition of the poverty line, but this topic doesn't
relate to the topic at hand. He also believes that a stampede is a natural disaster!
The Regional Director of MENA also brought up a very valid point against the fines brought up
by the Local Health Worker. Are they necessary? There are many other ways to make people
follow the rules rather than imposing severe fines, especially for a 3rd world country like Yemen.
Rishabh R.U, South China Morning Post