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Taliban and Pakistan: a plot twist even Shakespeare wouldn’t have seen coming

Writer's picture: GIIS MUNGIIS MUN

A usual session in NAIRA, the usual boring speeches and repetition of the same topics. However, things got interesting when the deputy prime minister, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, made a speech on economically reforming Afghanistan with the support of international aid, not knowing about a past unresolved tension between him and the delegate of Pakistan.

The delegate of Pakistan, who had been claiming about implementation of educational infrastructure and curriculums similar to that of their country, had his attention grabbed by one particular line: “The Taliban would like the delegates and ministers of this committee to aid and provide international help to Afghanistan.”

As a result, he raised his placard vehemently and when recognised, asked the deputy prime minister on how the Taliban planned on recognising and securing the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. 

This question seemed irrelevant and the deputy prime minister voiced this very thought, simply stating that the border was of not much matter to the Taliban as the Taliban wished to first economically reform before engaging in any international matters.

This seemed to have struck a nerve as the delegate of Pakistan later asked in his follow-up: “Then why did the Taliban ATTACK Pakistan by sending troops and now they are focusing on economic reform?”

Quite the turn of events. It seemed that the deputy prime minister had come unprepared and had to answer the question in note form, which brings us to the question of whether NAIRA would be able successfully stabilize the situation if they continued to disregard the consequences of their past and current actions and blunder?

Let us hope that NAIRA learns from this mistake and continues to make decisions with all aspects in mind. 

Riddhima Das,

South China Morning Post



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 GIIS MUN 2024

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