Walking into the catastrophe of a committee that UNSC is, the incompetence of the committee can be eloquently displayed by the VERY obvious tensions between the delegates of USA and China.
Watching these two debates was like seeing opposites clash. The delegate of China (who is the only beam of hope in this committee) seems to be the only one making sense in the whole committee. The delegate’s beautifully structured arguments, POIs that left others speechless, and the manner in which he countered every argument thrown at him was truly commendable and left people in awe.
Whereas, on the other hand, the delegate of the USA CANNOT hop off of China’s back. Not a single GSL went by without the US attacking China, or even asking pointless POI to China’s speeches. It’s clear to everyone in the room that the Delegate of USA clearly prioritizes his personal feud with China over the matter at hand: a LOT of (in)competency displayed for a key stakeholder in the agenda.
Will the committee put an end to this tomfoolery and start ACTUALLY debating? Or will they remain the laughing-stock of a committee that they are?
Navamithra MS
South China Morning Post